Wednesday, December 7, 2011


God is a restorer. He is a redeemer. And He has given us a great opportunity to see Hiim be Himself.

In everything give thanks.

Be anxious for nothing.

Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

God is great and greatly to be praised.

Life isn't ending. We aren't dead. We are just dead to our past.

H's word for the year: release.
Thank you God for keeping your word. You are not man that You should lie. Thank you for releasing my man from his past life. Thank you that You love H infinitely more than I ever could and that You have him in the palm of Your hand. Thank you Father that H's future doesn't depend on his own willingness, but on Your mercy to give him a heart that is willing. Your word says that it doesn't matter who wills or who runs, You will have mercy on whom You have mercy and compassion on whom You have compassion. Thank you that You are a just God. Thank you that even if I were to wonder if You will choose H to receive Your mercy, I can know that simply because of Your promises to me, there can be no other outcome in this. Because You have spoken plainly and what You utter cannot, NOT come to pass.

Our relationship. It has been washed in Your blood and covered by Your grace. Nothing is impossible for You. Nothing is so far gone that it cannot be redeemed. No one is so lost that they cannot be brought home. No situation is too big or too small or too much for you. Thank you for the outcome. Thank you because You have already told me the end result. Protect evey life that is a part of this. Protect every heart and every promise for every one of us. Give us all release from the old things and into Your best for us. Thank you for the new life that has been birthed in this. Thank you Lord God for Your amazingness. That You are our God and we are not left to our own devices. Thank you God even in the painful place, because this is where we all have a fresh opportunity to come face to face with You. Redeem my H. Restore him to right relationship. Give him favor God to choose You and grace to forgive himself. Give him courage to accept the grace and the forgiveness that You are giving me a heart to give to him. You are doing an eternal work in this situation, in our hearts, souls, lives, minds, spirits. Thank you for that. Remove every desire from my husband for any life that does not include the life You've reserved for us together. Remove every yearning for the past and allow him to look forward with hope and joy in this situation. Restore us God. Please. Help me to boldly approach Your throne. To come before You with confidence. Thank you God that You call me friend, that You are mindful of me and that You hear me when I cry out to You. Thank you for Your Love and Your gentle convictions today.

I am in awe of You and I rejoice in the victory that is already ours.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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