Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Easter This Year

As I was driving today, i was listening to a cd that was just worship...and as i started reflecting and really thinking and allowing a little of what has been deposited in my spirit over the last few days/weeks to sink fully in, it dawned on me that Easter is really the perfect season to learn about/study God's love.

Studying the 'Love chapter' has really shown me a different aspect of God, as Love. The feelings I'm wading thru in this place and the effort that it is to love in spite of those things is giving me a very new and much deeper understanding, appreciation, and respect for Christ's sacrifice for us... and somehow, out of all that musing, as I was thinking and asking God what exactly I should realize about Easter this year, what came to my heart is that Easter this year is a wonderful celebration of His power, in our utter utter failure.

The first of April marked 4 years to the date that this journey really started in a tangible way. It was the day God instructed me to leave my job. And things have never been the same. I had made a mess of my life and had no idea how it was gonna come back together. I was disappointed in myself and over the first year or two of the process, I have never felt such failure and shame. But God's power was so evident; His hand in
my life was so obvious and so overwhelming...

I thought about all that today and how powerful God truly is to take every detail and every decision into account as He planned my life, and how He's been bigger than ANY decision I've ever made. Then I thought of the cross and how powerful God has to be to very literally raise a man from the dead and bring him back to life. The fact that He led Christ thru the most painful set of circumstances he would ever face - that any man would face, for htat matter - knowing all that what looked like the end, was NOT, in fact, the end, but only the beginning. The story only got better from there. And all the shame Christ suffered was laid aside as God proved Himself God alone to all creation.

That blows me away;and it speaks to my spirit in such a tremendous way... God is Sovereign over all And all-powerful. Just blows me away, ya'll...

What about you. What does this Easter mean to you in your current season of life?

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