Sunday, November 6, 2011


Ok. So, if you know me at all, you know that one of my favorite phrases is:

CAN I GET YOU TO GET SOME ACT-RIGHT (or ack-right, as I spelled in the title)????

What it means is so simple: it means to get it together.


This seems to be a really difficult concept for folk to grab hold of, but really it isn't so foreign.

I struggle with this because there really is a lot of truth in that not everyone is at the same place at the same time, on any level. But for real. When you can look at me (and anybody else) and tell me what somebody else OUGHTA be doin, and yet in the whole time I've known you manage to never do what you told somebody else they NEED to do, you and I have a problem with eachother.

When you decide that you are qualified to teach other folks how to get it together, and u're still trynna hold on to old stuff and make it look new (which by the way, is NOT working), I think you might wanna re-evaluate some things.

When you start calling wrong, right and right, wrong... yeah. Here again, maybe you should take some time to re-group and just START OVER.

When you won't say wrong is WRONG (clearly wrong, at that ) JUST TO KEEP SOME PEACE, and at the cost of OTHER PEOPLE... you might just wanna step away from the madness and feel better about some things.

These are all causes to ask for some act-right.

And now that I have been comical, in all seriousness, every one of the scenarios above implies a struggle internally. There is a deeper issue than just accepting/doing wrong for no good reason. These things are spiritual malignancies and must not be allowed to run unchecked. Just like cancer, these sorts of symptoms mask a disease that will eat you away from the inside out if you aren't careful. These are the things that we shouldn't ignore, but that should prompt us to act. For ourselves, and in some instances for others as well.

How? Easy. PRAY. And then OBEY the instruction. Now don't get me wrong. I've had at least one of these moments at some point -and I'm sure I will again before it's all done... But really, if you help me, I'll help you.

Can we ALL just get some act-right and do what we KNOW we need to do, to get to where the Father is calling us to be?

All ya'll on my list - I'm fightin' for you, and I 'mma need you to join in the battle. THANKS


Seriously, join in. We'll all be the better for it.

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