Thursday, April 7, 2011

More on Noah...

(if you haven't read the previous post, check it out. That way this one will make sense.)

And to build on this theme of Noah and the Ark... There was a time even when they were safe in the boat, after they had all gotten away, where they felt trapped. Stuck. No way out.

And Noah had to be riningin' his hands sayin, 'God I've done all this stuff. Built this boat, gathered people and animals and what-not. And sealed us in all safe and sound. But this provision. It doesn't last forever. Please tell me You didn't just bring us here to leave us literally floating on all this water to perish?! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!'

Poor Noah. He had to be afraid, tired, ready for what he had always known as 'normal'. He had to just want some simplicity and mundaneness back in his life. For real.

And then God gives him some more direction: send out the dove (i think it was a dove).

How special.

Think about that. God starts givin' Noah signs that the water is receding and dry land is near. God, who is the creator of all, who does not OWE us anything, chooses to give a glimpse so that Noah's faith doesn't waiver in the home stretch.

And in the end Noah gets a rainbow as a promise that the Lord will never destroy the earth again with water.

That moment had to ROCK for Noah. He had to be on a cloud knowing that the God of the universe had chosen him for such a task and such a promise.

All kidding aside, thank you for the dove and the olive branches. Thank you for the glimpse and the glimmer. Thank you for the reminder of crazy faith and hope and how it all looks. Thank you Lord for Your Holiness. And thank you for the promise at the end of the rainbow. I love you and I appreciate the glimpses. I appreciate the olive branches. All i see is water right now, but Lord I know that the water is receding; the signs are all around me. No more resignation. No more consolation prize. The promise is beautiful and I look forward to the refreshing drink of it's fulfillment.

I love you and I apologize.

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