Thursday, January 12, 2012

Relationship, Relationship, Relationship

Ok, so after my last post, I did a lot of thinking.

Then I read the book 'The Shack.'

And I thought some more.

I had heard about it but I didn't know anything about the author or the message.

If you know me at all, you know that I am an avid reader. I am that geeky girl who read all those classics in school FOR FUN. Yeah. Told you I'm a geek. *smiles*

You alsoknow that I do not enjoy reading to study. I read simple as a way to de-stress. I want my brain to rest, so fiction is my genre of choice - and in the last year or more Christian fiction predominantly.

So back to The Shack. I wanted to read it but I had heard so much about it and I didnt' want to read it to study. But that is exactly what I did.

And I thought that all in all it was a really good book. Nothing spectacular about the writing. He's good, but not mindblowing as an author. But the message I find to be one that all believers need to grasp:


It's all about knowing God. Getting personal and asking Him all those tough questions.

Many many very religious people or very conservative people are NOT going to appreciate this book.

They will question it's biblical soundness - and in a couple places I did too.

But I walked away feeling more connected to God than I would ever have expected. It truly is a very fresh perspective on the relationship we share with the Creator and that He wants to share with us.

I would delve deeper on this topic, but I just wanted to suggest that if you are seeking to know God differently this book would be a good start.

Be warned, it will challenge your perspective. It will force you to dig deeply and get 'down&dirty' with the Lord on some points.

Love ya'll

Have a great weekend!

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