Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ten Things - And I Need This Today

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

With no ado:

  1. Thanks Lord for Worship. You give me that when I have nothing else.
  2. Thanks for Music. If I did not have music, much of the time I would probably not have the words to pray.
  3. Faithfulness. You alone are God and that is enough.
  4. Your Patience. Because having me for a daughter is, I'm sure, a very trying thing.
  5. Peace. You do wonders in this area for a very high-strung person.
  6. Gentleness. So many times I deserve harsh correction. Most often I do not receive it.
  7. Favor. You have always given me so much in relation to situations and outcomes. I'm grateful.
  8. Passion. It makes me chase You harder.
  9. A heart to know You well. It allows me to discern more clearly than I would ever have been able to do otherwise
  10. Who You are. 'I AM that I AM.' And that is enough for me.

Go visit Jill and have some linky fun with us, k?


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