Sunday, September 9, 2012

The End of The Road

Ok. I am deleting this blog.

I'm gonna leave this post up for a while but all else will be erased. My new blog address is:

I took some time off and the Lord asked me to let go of all that has emotionally held me hostage the last few months. So. All seurity blankets have been destroyed. And this blog is the last to go.

I started it to help me make my way thru this season of my life. That season is now past and a new one is starting. If moving forward is gonna be successful, then all that would let me dwell in the difficulty of how things have been needs to be done away.

So I'm starting fresh. :) I want my new blog to reflect where I'm going and who I've become. I want it to display just what the url says - a beautiful submission.

My title:

BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL... life out loud

 None of my old posts will go over. We're starting fresh!

See ya there!

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