Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's All A Process

God has been giving me some new things. I find it amazing how it works, this walk with Him. Intimacy beyond my wildest dreams

I was talking to a friend and in my mind, I was thinking 'God, why does this part have to be so hard?' because her 2010 is looking so far like my 2009, even though what I was expecting last year (and what she expected for this year) was a season of reaping.

His answer startled me and it's really been on my mind to share. I haven't completely pulled it apart just yet, but I'll share what I've gleaned so far.

Reaping is a process. Even when a crop is ready to be harvested, there is still work to be done before it can be consumed. Every time I think of this, all I think of is wheat - probably because it's used in Scripture. You don't just pull wheat from the ground and eat it. There are steps in-between the picking and the eating that have to happen first. First it has to cure. Then it has to be threshed. I mean, really. Just think about that. It has to be set aside to go through a natural process first, and then you tie it in a sheet and beat it against a ROCK to separate the wheat kernels from the chaff...

Even though it was mature enough to be picked, it still needed some more work to get rid of the unnecessary stuff before it was ready to be STORED until time to use it. So even after threshing and winnowing (shaking the wheat kernels to get rid of the chaff), there is still a time of storage for some of what is harvested...

I think that as Believers, we too are taken through such a promise when our reaping season begins. The fruit is ready to be picked, but it has to be made ready to be used. And since the fruit God is most interested in using is INSIDE us, it would mean that we have to be ready spiritually to receive what God has to give to us - because inevitably, He isn't giving it just for us to have bragging rights. He's giving it in order for us to use it in a way that glorifies Him and benefits the body...

This lends credence to the saying that it gets worse before it gets better. Makes total sense now, because threshing comes almost immediately before consumption can occur. And once that's done, there's a gentler tossing that happens to get rid of the rest of the junk. Only then are we truly ready for what God has for our lives. Only then are we genuinely ready to consume the promises God's give us.

I'm sure i'll be back, because I know there's more; I know I haven't done this justice... I just had to give some food for thought...


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